Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kendall's First Christmas

Kendall getting ready to open her presents! 

My Move and Play Ball!

I love my outfit! Thanks Ms Kellie

Nana Macyn and Kendall

Sleep Time

Kendall's First Christmas Ornament 

Jamison the Construction Boy!

The Wardsworth Family

Kendall the happiest baby!

Kendall's 1st Thanksgiving Weekend

Nana and Pop Pop came up for the holiday!

The Johnson Family 
Kendall and her Cousin Nina-Sky

mmmmm peaches!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's November

I am the cutest! With my Boots with the Furrrrr!

Wearing My Red White and Blue!
The Day after the Election of President-Elect Barack Obama!

What an Amazing Day! That we will never Forget!

The day we voted in the first Black President!

Such Pride

To know that we can truly tell Kendall that she can be anything she wants to be is an overwhelming feeling. She will never have to endure all the hardships that her ancestors had to go through because of our vote. And when I woke up November 5th and saw my beautiful daughters face I cried and praised God ....We won!

Kendall & Auntie Jazz

Ssssh Kendall has something to Say Part 2

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kim & Olivia's Birthday Weekend

Getting ready to go cousin Olivia's Birthday Brunch @ Hudson's

Hey Cuz!

mmmm Auntie Kim's delicious birthday Party!

Doc and Grammy were there too!

Time to turn this part out!